Healing Separation Wounds: Reconnecting with Your Twin Flame through Inner Union #14
In the Twin Flame journey, core wounds of separation are deep-rooted emotional and psychological patterns that manifest as blocks to union. These wounds often stem from early life experiences, subconscious fears, or unhealed traumas, and they play a significant role in creating the "push-pull" dynamic, separation, or the "runner-chaser" cycle in the relationship.
Healing these wounds involves self-reflection, self-forgiveness, and learning to face and embrace difficult emotions. Practices like the Mirror Exercise can help individuals identify and work through these core issues, often by teaching them to take responsibility for their feelings, forgive themselves and others, and cultivate self-love and resilience.
Addressing these core wounds is key to moving through the separation phase, as healing them enables Twin Flames to come into union from a place of wholeness rather than need or attachment.